Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Greenpeace calls for improved

As the Fukushima nuclear crisis in Japan entered its second week and levels of radioactive contamination continue to grow, the international environmental organization Greenpeace, along with the Japanese group Citizens Nuclear Information Centre (CNIC), is calling for improved evacuation plans and other protective measures for people still within the 30km exclusion zone, as well as for pregnant women and children in contaminated areas beyond 3Okm.
“As the Fukushima crisis continues, it is clear that the Japanese authorities are unable to fully protect public health. Despite early assurances that there would be little risk to the public we have now seen extensive evacuation and increasing radioactive contamination in the food chain. Japanese authorities seem to be one step behind the situation, which has to change in the name of public protection. It is now time for full and prompt disclosure so people can be properly protected and adequate emergency plans put into place,” said Jan Beranek, head of the Greenpeace International Nuclear Campaign.

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